Saturday, May 5, 2012

Complete Classic Sets

Bro. Hensley has several quality sets of classic Christian works. We'd like to keep these sets together. Shipping might be on the steep side for some of these, but the media mail option should help some.

Matthew Henry's Commentary. We also have a one-volume version available.
PRICE UPDATE (6-27-12): $20.00 for the set. $5.00 for the 1-volumn edition.

Word Studies in the New Testament by Vincent. Volume V is not included.
PRICE UPDATE (6-27-12): $8.00 for the set.

Strong's Systematic Theology. A true classic.
PRICE UPDATE (6-27-12): $12.00 for the set. SOLD

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I am interested in Matthew Henry's Commentary ($20), please let me know how to pay for it, thanks.
